Serious sam 2 fov
Serious sam 2 fov

Presentation on Use of Serious Games to Airbus on 30 April, 2013.Ĭity Game session with students from Sri Kumaran Children's Home at IIIT-B on 22 April, 2013.Ĭity Game session with participants from TARA Trust at IIIT-B on 22 April, 2013. Presented micro level urban poverty issues as part of course at IIHS with Prof. Meeting with Vidhya Mohankumar and Nithya Ramesh from Urban Design Collective on 27 April, 2013 to discuss possible collaborations. Urban Cafe session conducted at FoV by IIHS on 25 April, 2013. Meeting with Ravi Chandar from Feedback Consulting on 24 April, 2013. Meeting with Narayan Ramachand from InKlude labs on 18 April, 2013 to present the work of FoV. Meeting with NxtLyf on 16 April, 2013 to discuss possible collaborations. Geleyn Meijer on 15 April, 2013 to discuss projects with Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. One day training program on TRANSIMS at TU Delft on 15 April, 2013. Visit to IPR to discuss the progress in VR training system for operation and maintenance of an in-vessel robotic arm on 11 April, 2013.Ĥth Round Table Conference on Road Safety 12 April, 2013. Meeting with Arindam Jana and Garima Jain on 10 April, 2013 at IIHS to discuss possible courses. Meeting with Bhupendra Sharma on 8 April, 2013 to discuss possible collaborations. Presentation at The Goa Project on 26 March, 2013. Presentation to GEELAB of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia about work at FoV on 13 March, 2013. Meeting with SSS Springs on 28 March, 2013 to discuss possible collaborations. Meeting with Dr.Ullas Nambiar from EMC2 on 27 March, 2013 to discuss possible collaborations. Smart Campus review meeting with Prof.Poonacha of IIIT-B on 13 March, 2013.ģrd Round Table Conference on Road Safety organised by Continental Automotive Components(India) Private Ltd. Meeting with Indian Institute of Human Settlements (IIHS) and The Indus Enterpreneurs (TiE) on 7 March, 2013 to discuss City Game.Īnnual planning meeting with Board Members on 9 March, 2013. Meeting with Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL) to discuss possible collaborations. Talk on 'Enabling Entrepreneurship: Initiatives and Infrastructure' at Swissnex on Friday 1 March, 2013. Rajat Upadhyay joined the team in the month of March, 2013.He worked on the 'Electricity Market Simulation Game'. Chappin visited FoV between 27 May, 2013 to 13 June, 2013. Sebastiaan and FoV had discussions on Serious games and meetings with potential stakeholders for possible collaboarations.

serious sam 2 fov

Sebastiaan Meijer, from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden visited FoV between 28 April, 2013 to 2 May, 2013. We organised a City Game Session with students from Sri Kumaran Children's Home at FoV on 22 April, 2013.We organised a City Game Session with participants from TARA Trust at FoV on 22 April, 2013.We organised an Indian Energy Game Session with first year students from iMtech at IIIT-B on 22 March, 2013.

serious sam 2 fov

We released the alpha version of the platform on 29 May, 2013. The platform can be used to create large scale agent-based simulations to study complex adaptive systems such as infrastructure design, policy design and responses to disasters.

  • Phoenix: Phoenix is a distributed, modular agent-based simulation platform.
  • Electricity Market Simulation Game: Murali Krishna visited TU Delft between 20 March, 2013, to 1 May, 2013 to continue the research on electricity market simulation game.
  • Poonacha of IIIT-B to discuss the progress in "Towards a decentralized architecture for a smart campus using multi-agent systems" on 13 March, 2013.
  • The Smart Campus project: We had a review meeting with Prof.

  • Serious sam 2 fov